Pathogen Pirate and the Story of the Four Thieves

Pathogen Pirate and the Story of the Four Thieves

An ancient antimicrobial recipe that has your defences covered!


Here is a little history on Scent Intention’s Pathogen Pirate line.  It was inspired by and developed from the oils named in four thieves’ folklore as well as having the added magnifying power of Lavender.  Which in itself is a great healing and antimicrobial oil. 

The story of the four thieves originated during bubonic plague times around the 15th century.  It is said there was a group of four thieves who were spice traders and perfumers.  Who when the plague hit and the ports were closed, lost their livelihood.  In an attempt to feed their families these merchants took to robbing the infectious dead bodies of all their possessions.  Astonishingly, they never contracted the highly infectious plague!

After they were finally caught and sentenced to death, the king offered them a deal.  He would spare the thieves' lives if they shared their secret… How did they stay healthy while being exposed to the infectious plague all around them?  Accepting the deal, they shared their knowledge.  Explaining the powerful medicinal properties of herbs in specific preparations.  They had devised a preparation from aromatic herbs that was highly effective in killing the airborne bacteria.

The Weber State University did a study in 19971 finding that Thieves essential oil blend has a 99.96% success rate at killing airborne bacteria.  No one knows if the folklore is true, however we do know that essential oils are in fact anti-microbial, meaning anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti-infectious. As well, "other documented research, indicates that most viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of many essential oils, especially those high in phenols, such as carvacrol, thymol, and terpenes. This, perhaps, offers a modern explanation why the Old Testament prophet Moses used aromatic substances to protect the Israelites from the plagues that decimated ancient Egypt. It may also help us understand why a notorious group of thieves, reputed to be spice traders and perfumers, was protected from the Black Plague as they robbed the bodies of the dead during the 15th century.” 2

1 Chao, SC, Young, DG and Oberg, CJ, Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 517-523. Sep-Oct 1998.

2 Essential Oils Desk Reference, 4th Edition, p6.



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